SeeSat-L Apr-97 by thread
Starting: Mon Mar 31 1997 - 23:08:54 MET
Ending: Wed Apr 30 1997 - 10:20:14 MET
Messages: 272
- 2nd SDP failure case revisi ROB MATSON
- SDP4 test Curtis Haase
- Help to ID unk sat
- RE: Help to ID unk sat Jeff Hunt
- SDP4 tests Scott Wilson
- Thanks
- OrbitTrack not immune ROB MATSON
- Superbird A Obs, Michigan, 4/2/97 (UT) Doyle J. Groves
- Superbird A Obs, Michigan, 4/2/97 (UT) Doyle J. Groves
- Obs 970331 Leo Barhorst
- HST Array Pouplier Alphonse
- obs of ATS 5 R vince gardiner
- Lacrosse 2 observation Allen Thomson
- Re: 2nd SDP4 failures case Bruno Tilgner
- (off topic) CO2 removal problems on Mir Jeff Hunt
- Decay of #24666 = 96- 67 B (Centaur r) Alan Pickup
- April 3 obs vince gardiner
- Re: 2nd SDP4 failures case
- One possible, one unknown
- Mistake in TLE file Pouplier Alphonse
- Observations: Superbird A and others Robert Sheaffer
- Cosmos launch scheduled for 17 April 1997 Eric Rosenberg
- Looking for SGP4 code Eric Rosenberg
- Any recent TiPS elements? 3432P@VM1.CC.NPS.NAVY.MIL
- STS-83 TLE "predicted post OMS-2" Ed Cannon
- STS-83 TLE "predicted post OMS-2" Ed Cannon
- STS-83 TLE Jeff Hunt
- April 4 obs vince gardiner
- Observations, Ofeq-3 and others Robert Sheaffer
- SatEvo decay list #28 Alan Pickup
- Obs 970403 Leo Barhorst
- Launch of Progress M-34 Agapov Vladimir
- satwk14.rpt from OIG Mike McCants
- April 5 obs vince gardiner
- New articles on my Web site Sven Grahn
- Progress launched Agapov Vladimir
- Progress M-34 heard in Sweden Sven Grahn
- More from Progress M-34 Sven Grahn
- elements: STS83, Prog. M-34? Ed Cannon
- Progress manoeuvered OK Agapov Vladimir
- TiPS Sue J. Worden
- TRANSIT PROBLEM Pouplier Alphonse
- Ariane 5 and ODD-star experiment. Neil Clifford
- Re: TiPS w/ telescope Ron Dantowitz
- The Lyddane bug ROB MATSON
- Decaying Soyuz-U - #24758 = 97- 14 B Alan Pickup
- Progress M-34 observation 7 April Sven Grahn
- Lacrosse observation opportunities Allen Thomson
- Nice night Jeff Hunt
- Re: Transit problem vince gardiner
- Superbird A U.S. prediction ROB MATSON
- Superbird A in 16" scope Ed Cannon
- Latest Progress M-34 vector Agapov Vladimir
- Final Progress' manoeuvres Agapov Vladimir
- Observations Monday evening: Superbird A & others Robert Sheaffer
- Progress M-34 docked Agapov Vladimir
- VITASAT-1r/FAISAT-2v Launch Date/Time Set Eric Rosenberg
- Obs 970406+07 Leo Barhorst
- SuperBird A for Australia, ROB MATSON
- Potential 2nd Superbird fla ROB MATSON
- Geosync Flasher Nears Orion's Belt Robert Sheaffer
- Obs April 6-8 vince gardiner
- Eyeball terminology - was Superbird A in 16" scope Philip Chien
- USA 129 Obs Bryan Dort
- Spot 3 Tristan Cools
- Superbird A - my first sighting
- Re: Superbird A for Australia vince gardiner
- Lacrosse 2 mag. -2 flare Ed Cannon
- Observations, Superbird A + more Robert Sheaffer
- Observations Thurs Evening: Possible Lacrosse 1 ??????!!!! Robert Sheaffer
- RE: Spot 3 David Irwin
- Chinese satellite spotting Allen Thomson
- Re: Lacrosse 1 and APR2-3.OBS Bjoern Gimle
- Spacetrack Report #3 questi ROB MATSON
- Search orbits for USA 86/116 Bjoern Gimle
- NOSS 2-1 patrick wiggins
- Lacrosse-1 Allen Thomson
- Things... Earl Needham
- Things... Earl Needham
- satwk15.rpt from OIG Mike McCants
- RE: Things... Jeff Hunt
- Observations Friday Evening: No Lacrosse 1 Robert Sheaffer
- Books on archaeoastronomy Bruno Tilgner
- USA 116, possible obs. Bjoern Gimle
- cosmos 2340 rkt flashing and Molczan to Quicksat mags Ian and Shari Porter
- RE: cosmos 2340 rkt flashing and Molczan to Quicksat mags Jeff Hunt
- Launch time for 1995-002 Sven Grahn
- Obs 970409 + 13 Leo Barhorst
- Close visual encounter
- Re: Molczan to Quicksat mags Bjoern Gimle
- Bright unknown
- Finnish observations Leo Wikholm
- Observations Sunday Eve. Robert Sheaffer
- Re: Sattelites Dave Mullenix
- RE: Quicksat to Molczan mags Ian and Shari Porter
- Japanese, German debris/space surveillance Allen Thomson
- High resolution radar images of Mir Allen Thomson
- FAISAT-2v/VITASAT Launch Delay Eric Rosenberg
- TLE's by E-Mail? George H Leonberger
- OIG BBS Web reports site will be down 15 April Ed Cannon
- Mir manoeuvred Agapov Vladimir
- Observations Monday evening, April 14 Robert Sheaffer
- Final post-burn Mir EFG vector Agapov Vladimir
- OIG Jeffrey C. Hunt
- Re: USA 116, another possible obs. Bjoern Gimle
- Superbird A ROB MATSON
- Re: Satellites Tristan Cools
- Superbird A for Wed night 4 ROB MATSON
- Re: Satellites Bjoern Gimle
- Superbird A, 17 Apr 97 UT Ron Lee
- Re: Superbird A, 17 Apr 97 U ROB MATSON
- Space junk article ROB MATSON
- Re: Satellites Tristan Cools
- Fwd: Returned mail: Host unknown (Name server: cds.plasma.mpe-: host not found)
- Ap16 obs vince gardiner
- Why a fixed Bstar?
- New Flasher? Ron Lee
- HST -- 2 flares in one pass Ed Cannon
- HST -- 2 flares in one pass Ed Cannon
- Kosmos-2341 launched Agapov Vladimir
- Where is Azimuth = 0? Bram Dorreman
- Superbird A Robert Lelevier
- Spot 3 flashes confirmed Tristan Cools
- April 18 obs vince gardiner
- re: New Flasher? DMSP 14 Philip Chien
- New Flasher? (confirmed sighting) Ron Lee
- SatEvo decay list #29 Alan Pickup
- Ron's new flasher Eberst
- Re: New Flasher? 97 12A,B,C,D,E Mike McCants
- test
- USA 129 obs.early Bjoern Gimle
- Obs 970420 VideoCosmos
- New DMSP flasher Ron Lee
- satwk16.rpt from OIG Mike McCants
- new launch Mike McCants
- April 21 obs vince gardiner
- Timothy Leary Dale Ireland
- Re[2]: Kosmos-2341 launched Eric Rosenberg
- RE: Timothy Leary Dale Ireland
- Timothy Leary Riding Pegasus? Ed Cannon
- Timothy Leary Riding Pegasus? Ed Cannon
- Obs 970422 morning Leo Barhorst
- RE: Where is Azimuth = 0? David Irwin
- Who will be first to see Gene Rodenbery (and others) !!! Ian and Shari Porter
- Decay of Elektron-2 Bjoern Gimle
- ADMIN: web and ftp archive Neil Clifford
- FW: new launch Brierley, David UK
- A Venus probe stumbles - an I happen to listen in! Sven Grahn
- potential for new geosync flasher Philip Chien
- Obs 970422-23 Leo Barhorst
- RE: Timothy Leary Tristan Cools
- Azimuth 0, once more Bruno Tilgner
- Solar Transit Observation? Robert Sheaffer
- LAGEOS Flash Observation Program Douglas Currie
- Cosmos 2313 lowered Eberst
- Re: Azimuth 0, once again Bruno Tilgner
- Pegasus 3rd stages and spotting the Celestis payloads Philip Chien
- Pegasus 3rd stages and spotting the Celestis payloads Philip Chien
- satwk17.rpt from OIG Mike McCants
- Observations Thursday Apr. 24. Robert Sheaffer
- Software sought patrick wiggins
- GOES-K elements Ron Lee
- Mir status report from NASA Philip Chien
- Friday Obs. - Galileo IUS Confirmed Robert Sheaffer
- Rocket Bodies Ron Lee
- Lacrosse 1? Allen Thomson
- Space debris Leo Barhorst
- Decay of #24503 = 96- 58 F (SL-12 r aux motor) Alan Pickup
- Dodecapole 2, NOSS 2-3 Rocket, 1997 012
- Re: 1997 012 Ron Lee
- 97011B (Centaur) Observed; DMSP Flasher Ron Lee
- Obs 29 Apr 97 Ron Lee
- April 27 obs vince gardiner
- Another unid vince gardiner
- FAISat 2V VideoCosmos
- www + Neil Clifford
- Missed #24503 Again Ron Lee
- DELETION peter chapman
- web and ftp archive ( Neil Clifford
- Raduga 33, 96-10A Ed Cannon
Last message date: Wed Apr 30 1997 - 10:20:14 MET
Archived on: Wed 22 Oct 1997 - 13:09:36 MET
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