Obs 1st April 2006 all

From: Greg Roberts (grr@iafrica.com)
Date: Sun Apr 02 2006 - 12:26:40 EDT

  • Next message: Lutz Schindler: "Obs 02.04.06"

    Observations 01 Apr 2006:
    Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System).
    MINTRON low light level CCD surveillance camera (0.005 lux typical
    in non integration mode) and 0.00005 lux in STARLIGHT mode with 128
    frame integration.
    Used with 15-70mm f/1.2 cine camera telephoto lens,integrating
    for 128 frames which is equivalent to exposure of 2.56 sec per image.
    Field of view at 70mm approximately 5 x 4 degrees and seeing stars
    down to mag 11 minimum and probably about mag +8 for leo satellites.
    Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude  33.94058 deg S,
    Elevation 10 metres - situated in Pinelands (Cape Town), South Africa
    13172 82 041C   0433 G 20060401173246300 56 15 1536125-660201 39  +076 05
    13172 82 041C   0433 G 20060401173415800 56 15 1222222-630331 39  +060 05
    13172 82 041C   0433 G 20060401173552300 56 15 0929308-243920 39  +050 05
    24753 97 012A   0433 G 20060401174907600 56 15 2031056-730039 39  +062 05
    24753 97 012A   0433 G 20060401175010600 56 15 2251470-772948 39  +057 05
    24753 97 012A   0433 G 20060401175142600 56 15 0316443-654624 39  +050 05
    23533 95 015A   0433 G 20060401175442200 56 15 0552447-692447 39  +055 05
    23533 95 015A   0433 G 20060401175513100 56 15 0558052-571826 39  +030 05
    23533 95 015A   0433 G 20060401175603400 56 15 0600453-341637 39  +050 05
    21798 91 082A   0433 G 20060401180202500 56 15 0048375-693534 39  +065 05
    21798 91 082A   0433 G 20060401180346200 56 15 0321136-482139 39  +050 05
    21798 91 082A   0433 G 20060401180523600 56 15 0412595-171452 39  +060 05
    90020 04 539A   0433 G 20060401192941300 56 15 0426203-185834 39  +075 05
    90020 04 539A   0433 G 20060401193243800 56 15 0420243-312223 39  +070 05
    90020 04 539A   0433 G 20060401193445800 56 15 0411224-414439 39  +068 05
    90020 04 539A   0433 G 20060401193642500 56 15 0353559-530209 39  +070 05
    90020 04 539A   0433 G 20060401193938200 56 15 0233586-704824 39  +075 05
    Strays seen:
    Feng Yun 1B rocket variable
    20791 90 081D   0433 G 20060401172508100 56 15 0038152-554459 39  +065 05
    Cosmos 1842 rocket
    17912 87 038B   0433 G 20060401174711600 56 15 2050405-725901 39  +065 05
    Cosmos 1950 rocket
    19196 88 046B   0433 G 20060401175200800 56 15 0338331-572007 39  +070 05
    Cosmos 1559
    14998 84 052A   0433 G 20060401185936900 56 15 1712315-622242 39  +075 05
    Feng Yun 1D variable
    27431 02 024B   0433 G 20060401192211300 56 15 0430018-094844 39  +077 05
    (1) Purpose of session was to do a plane scan for #90006 but clouds
        arrived before the satellite.
    (2) The lens tested provided very nice images and impressive views
        because of the wide angle/magnitude gain but vignetting was very
        bad and made the lens useless for any long term integrations, such
        as required for geostationary satellites. Besides the image scale
        is too small for geostationary satellite observations.
    (3) #23533  (DMSP B5D2-8) flared to about +1 magnitude for a few
    (4) #90002 continues to produce short sharp flashes at regular
        intervals for the entire pass.
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