Obs 4 April 2006 - all

From: Greg Roberts (grr@iafrica.com)
Date: Wed Apr 05 2006 - 15:36:09 EDT

  • Next message: Lutz Schindler: "Obs 05.04.06"

    Observations 04 Apr 2006:
    Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System).
    MINTRON low light level CCD surveillance camera (0.005 lux typical
    in non integration mode) and 0.00005 lux in STARLIGHT mode with 128
    frame integration.
    Used with 145mm focal length f/2.5 lens,integrating for 128 frames
    which is equivalent to an exposure of 2.56 seconds per image.
    Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude  33.94058 deg S,
    Elevation 10 metres - situated in Pinelands (Cape Town), South Africa
    90047 06 521A   0433 G 20060404173629600 56 15 1200542-162903 39  +103 05
    90047 06 521A   0433 G 20060404174236200 56 15 1217256-163320 39  +104 05
    90047 06 521A   0433 G 20060404174424000 56 15 1222439-163258 39  +105 05
    90013 03 564A   0433 G 20060404185627400 56 15 1058322+090617 39  +075 05
    28385 04 034B   0433 G 20060404190145500 56 15 0351266-400236 39  +085 05
    28385 04 034B   0433 G 20060404190424200 56 15 0358213-414128 39  +080 05
    28385 04 034B   0433 G 20060404190708000 56 15 0405298-431831 39  +080 05
    90020 04 539A   0433 G 20060404191931600 56 15 0422245-252633 39  +078 05
    90020 04 539A   0433 G 20060404192240700 56 15 0411180-402247 39  +075 05
    90020 04 539A   0433 G 20060404192509200 56 15 0348335-544327 39  +070 05
    90020 04 539A   0433 G 20060404192920100 56 15 0026155-765753 39  +070 05
    90027 04 841A   0433 G 20060404204402900 56 15 0638044-235907 39  +070 05
    90027 04 841A   0433 G 20060404204649300 56 15 0732487-142216 39  +065 05
    90027 04 841A   0433 G 20060404204917800 56 15 0809208-062144 39  +068 05
    90027 04 841A   0433 G 20060404205257900 56 15 0848301+032605 39  +072 05
    90027 04 841A   0433 G 20060404205828200 56 15 0927169+135729 39  +075 05
    91059 06 082GEO 0433 G 20060404181801800 56 15 1008406+074403 39  +110 05
    91060 06 082GEO 0433 G 20060404184158800 56 15 0626190+125633 39  +120 05
    91060 06 082GEO 0433 G 20060404203144900 56 15 0756294+112743 39  +110 05
    Brazlst B2 ARk   found whilst looking for #90039 - variable
    23538 95 016C   0433 G 20060404213349500 56 15 1505445+084505 39  +115 05
    23538 95 016C   0433 G 20060404214348200 56 15 1517101+074410 39  +120 05
    Cosmos 1448
    13949 83 023A   0433 G 20060404174236200 56 15 1217312-161930 39  +075 05
    Insat 3C ARkt  range 27300 kms
    27299 02 002B   0433 G 20060404175930200 56 15 1101239+113229 39  +100 05
    STTW-4 geostationary
    20473 90 011A   0433 G 20060404180105500 56 15 1101089+142049 39  +110 05
    Raduga 31 geostationary
    23010 94 012A   0433 G 20060404180716700 56 15 1050392+140349 39  +100 05
    Iridium 70  fast , produced a wide trail
    25342 98 032A   0433 G 20060404182400900 56 15 1017208+074659 39  +065 05
    Iridium 14  fast , produced a wide trail
    25777 99 032A   0433 G 20060404182608800 56 15 1014362+060548 39  +065 05
    Turksat 1C geostationary
    23949 96 040B   0433 G 20060404182657100 56 15 1019113+052916 39  +090 05
    Turksat 2A geostationary
    26666 01 002A   0433 G 20060404182657100 56 15 1019129+052131 39  +090 05
    P76-5  faint
    08860 76 047A   0433 G 20060404185244900 56 15 0630011+123011 39  +085 05
    FengYun 1B Debri - visible very briefly then invisible
    20853 90 081R   0433 G 20060404185317400 56 15 0628235+120308 39  +080 05
    Raduga 1-5 geostationary
    26477 00 049A   0433 G 20060404185627400 56 15 1059437+091723 39  +110 05
    Cosmos 2195
    22006 92 036A   0433 G 20060404190109600 56 15 0349511-391622 39  +085 05
    (1) A good night but not highly productive, especially the last hour. When
        I closed down shortly after local midnight due to cloud I discovered
        everything dripping with moisture due to dew - the camera lens was
        "fogged out" which explains why I could not see several
        The camera DOES have a dewcap but obviously could not cope this time.
    (2) Satellites not seen:
        XSS-11, #90050 (geostationary), #90045 ( HEO - looks like its now
        #90006 ( HEO), #90029 (geostationary) and #90039 (HEO).
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Wed Apr 05 2006 - 15:46:56 EDT