Re: SATOBS 2006 April 05-06

From: David Brierley (
Date: Thu Apr 06 2006 - 07:49:22 EDT

  • Next message: Ted Molczan: "RE: SATOBS 2006 April 05-06"

    > 05-42A:  A single bright flare at approx 203910.   Has it manoeuvred slightly 
    > or
    > have I screwed up?  I am unable to get a good fit to either Mike's or Pierre's
    > elsets, both only a day old.
    No you haven't screwed up.  I was puzzled by the 10' cross-track error in your 
    first two observations, but combining them with Mike Waterman's observations I 
    think I've detected a change in inclination and eccentricity after April 1. 
    Here is my offering.  Bear in mind that from such a short arc I haven't a clue 
    what ndot should be:
    USA 186                         4.3 v
    1 28888U 05042A   06095.85085620 0.00013681  00000-0  13373-3 0    01
    2 28888  97.9343 158.6478 0546699   0.4923 359.6488 14.74595808    01
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