From: Ed Cannon (
Date: Sun Apr 09 2006 - 08:19:44 EDT

  • Next message: Russell Eberst: "2006APR8.OBS"

    Here's a modest attempt at a position for NOSS 8(H), 87-043H,
    18025; time is UTC, and coordinates are epoch 2000:
    yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.s  RA_____ Dec__
    2006/04/09 10:25:39.2  16:59.8 +31.0
    It went very close to (just east of) epsilon Herculis.  Its 
    magnitude was about +5.0 I think.  I was at the tennis courts a 
    couple of hundred yards/meters ESE of my apartment, or about 
    30.308N, 97.727W, 150m.
    Mike recovered 90007 last night with elements generated by his
    INT3 program.  It flashed quite brightly in the bright stars at 
    the northern edge of Hydra, near RA 8:47, +6.1 around 4:37-45 
    Also last night by accident I saw GStar 3 (88-081A, 19483) 
    flash brightly.  Mike got it in the scope.  It's a long wait 
    between flashes.  The time was about 2:20-40 UTC, I think.  
    Mike I saw ETS 6 (23230, 94-056A) doing very bright flashes 
    from here Friday evening.  Next similar pass is Monday evening 
    10 April (North America time).
    Ed Cannon - Austin, Texas, USA
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