Obs 18 April 2006 Part 2

From: Greg Roberts (grr@iafrica.com)
Date: Thu Apr 20 2006 - 12:16:06 EDT

  • Next message: Mark Hanning-Lee: "Cloudsat and CALIPSO status"

    Observations 18 Apr 2006:
    Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System).
    MINTRON low light level CCD surveillance camera (0.005 lux typical
    in non integration mode) and 0.00005 lux in STARLIGHT mode with 128
    frame integration.
    Used with 100mm focal length f/2.8 lens,integrating for 128 frames
    which is equivalent to an exposure of 2.56 seconds per image. This
    was used on LEO satellites whilst 150mm f/2.8 was used on the
    geostationary satellites.
    Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude  33.94058 deg S,
    Elevation 10 metres - situated in Pinelands (Cape Town), South Africa
    Corrections 18 April 2006 Part 1:
    I had identifications slightly wrong :-)). Ted spotted it first.
    25746 99 028C   0433 F 20060418195111300 56 15 0917172-213008 39  +085 05
    25746 99 028C   0433 F 20060418195253700 56 15 0937032-325614 39  +072 05
    25746 99 028C   0433 F 20060418195446400 56 15 1006184-454619 39  +070 05
    20344 89 061D   0433 F 20060418205729700 56 15 0634343-562811 39  +100 05
    20344 89 061D   0433 F 20060418205942800 56 15 0655432-565807 39  +105 05
    20344 89 061D   0433 F 20060418210216400 56 15 0721017-571550 39  +105 05
    13172 82 041C   0433 F 20060418175953100 56 15 0444086-412501 39  +075 05
    13172 82 041C   0433 F 20060418180041700 56 15 0521127-195756 39  +075 05
    13172 82 041C   0433 F 20060418180153400 56 15 0550108+064928 39  +070 05
    16591 86 014A   0433 F 20060418180447500 56 15 0739260-263504 39  +075 05
    16591 86 014A   0433 F 20060418180619700 56 15 0824498-483157 39  +080 05
    16591 86 014A   0433 F 20060418180723600 56 15 0922579-621325 39  +082 05
    28385 04 034B   0433 F 20060418181142200 56 15 0923122-651703 39  +080 05
    28385 04 034B   0433 F 20060418181334900 56 15 0933135-645913 39  +080 05
    28385 04 034B   0433 F 20060418181619200 56 15 0947315-642913 39  +075 05
    90043 05 835A   0433 F 20060418184621700 56 15 0737315+064252 39  +110 05
    90036 05 629A   0433 F 20060418191547300 56 15 1418237+033711 39  +085 05
    90034 05 592A   0433 F 20060418202940300 56 15 1218212+084209 39  +080 05
    90037 05 638A   0433 F 20060418192732500 56 15 1424598+061037 39  +095 05
    90037 05 638A   0433 F 20060418192941800 56 15 1426534+060136 39  +095 05
    90031 05 546A   0433 F 20060418203253100 56 15 1523404+054754 39  +090 05
    90043 05 835A   0433 F 20060418203833600 56 15 0930066+060824 39  +090 05
    91060 06 082GEO 0433 F 20060418204056500 56 15 0851288+100326 39  +105 05
    91060 06 082GEO 0433 F 20060418204223500 56 15 0852509+100155 39  +105 05
    Strays seen:
    Feng Yun 1D debri
    27433 02 024D   0433 F 20060418193824800 56 15 0446035-342303 39  +090 05
    ISO  range 15000 kms, variable +9/5 to invisible
    23715 95 062A   0433 F 20060418200643800 56 15 0902285+181304 39  +095 05
    23715 95 062A   0433 F 20060418201158300 56 15 0915016+190507 39  +095 05
    Intelsat 704 geostationary
    23461 95 001A   0433 F 20060418205405400 56 15 1528042+051333 39  +110 05
    Eurobird A5 rocket   range 28670 kms
    26721 01 011C   0433 F 20060418205405400 56 15 1527083+053829 39  +125 05
    Eurobird A5 Sylda    range 26720 kms variable
    26722 01 011D   0433 F 20060418210513000 56 15 1454505+061109 39  +110 05
    NSS703 (Intelsat) geostationary
    23305 94 064A   0433 F 20060418210513000 56 15 1459539+052022 39  +105 05
    ETS 6  range 14270 kms variable
    23230 94 056A   0433 F 20060418211720100 56 15 1215027+305907 39  +092 05
    23230 94 056A   0433 F 20060418212120800 56 15 1237499+314244 39  +092 05
    Cosmos 1656
    15755 85 042A   0433 F 20060418184319000 56 15 0730048+061503 39  +060 05
    EXPRESS 3A  geostationary
    26379 00 031A   0433 F 20060418184621700 56 15 0733475+051838 39  +110 05
    26379 00 031A   0433 F 20060418203833600 56 15 0925385+052205 39  +100 05
    Eutelsat W5 geostationary
    27554 02 051A   0433 F 20060418192732500 56 15 1420354+050928 39  +100 05
    27554 02 051A   0433 F 20060418203253100 56 15 1526032+050943 39  +090 05
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