ISS/Progress visible pass over Moscow near docking

From: Erkenswick, Tom M. \(JSC-DM3\) (
Date: Fri Apr 21 2006 - 08:53:28 EDT

  • Next message: daniel crawford: "Re: ISS orbit boost Tommorow"

    Via H-A I found that ISS will make a 23-deg-elevation visible pass over
    Moscow on April 26 at 17:43 - 17:48 GMT.  Coincidentally, Progress M-56
    will be making its final approach from 170-190 m into docking in the
    period 17:45 - 17:54 as shown at
    Since the vehicles will likely be indistinguishable by naked eye at such
    a close range, are there any telescopic trackers in the Moscow area who
    can take advantage of this rare event?  Of course dockings normally take
    place close to passes over Moscow, but I think this visible pass --
    where both vehicles might be visible in the same telescopic view -- is
    pretty unusual.
    H-A also shows ISS visible passes over Moscow on April 24 and 25, so it
    is likely that there will be Progress visible passes those days as well.
    I've been fortunate to see Soyuz/Progress/Shuttle a few degrees apart
    from ISS/Mir after undockings, but never during rendezvous.  So again, I
    think this is a rare event, and I hope someone can take advantage of it.
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