Finally observed SuitSat from Canberra, Australia

From: Bill Frost (
Date: Wed Apr 26 2006 - 00:33:11 EDT

  • Next message: Fco. Javier Iruretagoyena (Webmail): "Re: Finally observed SuitSat from Canberra, Australia"

    Finally got to see SuitSat yesterday morning (24 1950 UT). Local time was 5:50 am and with the sun at -9 elevation conditions weren't ideal as the fainter stars were no longer visible. I must just have got lucky and seen a flare, presumably from the large face shield on the Orlan suit.
    I tried to observe it several weeks ago but cloud defeated me each time. I had assumed (from the site we're not supposed to discuss here) that it had decayed but I after viewing Kevin Fetter's video and checking HA, I realised it was still there. HA's prediction was spot on and I saw the flare with the naked eye almost to the second, just passing Mercury.
    Canberra, Australia
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