TELSTAR 402R slow flares and video of one of the flares

From: Kevin Fetter (
Date: Wed Apr 26 2006 - 07:21:32 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "progess, noss coming out of shadow and one other sattellite video"

    Last night, I observe the TELSTAR 402R geo sat produce at least 2 slow flares, as the satelite
    slowly rotates. Nor sure now long it took in between flares, this time. I must have missed others,
    as last time I observed it, it took 23 minutes between flares. I call it a fare, as last way
    longer then a flash. It last over 15 seconds.
    One of them was at 6:17 UTC ( Apr 26 ), it was in the magnitude 7 range. 
    It was around
    14 h 29 m R.A
    -4 deg 49 min Dec
    It was almost oposite the sun ( ie a difference of 12 hours R.A ) when I observed it.
    Here's the video for the flare at the above time. 
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