progess, noss coming out of shadow and one other sattellite video

From: Kevin Fetter (
Date: Wed Apr 26 2006 - 07:31:30 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "no luck seeing Inmarsat F4-2 flare up, the 2 milstars did"

    A clear but cold night. So after the pass of the progress spacrecraft, I decided to bring inside
    the dvd recorder and laptop. I changed one of the cables, so better quality now in my video. The
    other one was of a lower grade, so more noise I found.
    The pass of the progress spacecraft. Zipping along nicely.
    Didn't try to see it with the eye.

    Noss 3-2 coming out of shadow, near jupiter
    Pass of a Delta 1 R/B used to place the NOAA 2 satellite into orbit.
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