CloudSat object "C" seen

From: Edward S Light (
Date: Sat Apr 29 2006 - 03:52:50 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "Object C and Aura made nice nakey eye pair"

    I just saw the "C" object of the CloudSat/CALIPSO launch - easy naked
    eye object (about 3.4 magnitude - perhaps a little fainter than delta
    UMa but definitely brighter then alpha Dra) as it entered the earth's
    shadow.  It seemed to be steady and, hopefully, when updated name data
    appear, I'll know which object I saw.  In the two minutes after I saw
    that object, I continued looking with 10x50 binoculars but noted no
    other objects (in a light-polluted sky with limiting visual magnitude
    about 4).
    29109 06 016C   8840 G 20060429072224000 28                      S+034 03
    Clear and dark skies!
       Ed Light
    Lakewood, NJ, USA
    Site 8840, N 40.1075, W 074.2312, +24 m (80 ft)
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