Observation-25 April 2006 - correction

From: Greg Roberts (grr@iafrica.com)
Date: Sat Apr 29 2006 - 07:04:08 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "Magnitude Observations of Object A and B"

    Observations 25 Apr 2006:(correction)
    Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System).
    MINTRON low light level CCD surveillance camera (0.005 lux typical
    in non integration mode) and 0.00005 lux in STARLIGHT mode with 128
    frame integration.
    Used with 100mm focal length f/2.8 lens,integrating for 96 frames
    which is equivalent to an exposure of 1.98 seconds per image.
    Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude  33.94058 deg S,
    Elevation 10 metres - situated in Pinelands (Cape Town), South Africa
    I had a query re my observation of the IMAGE spacecraft and on re-checking
    my measurements I found that I had measured the wrong end of the star
    resulting in an incorrect position for the time given. The corrected
    observation is as follows:
    26113 00 017A   0433 G 20060425194714900 56 15 1449495-384427 39  +115 05
    The time given for the previous position was incorrect by 1 minute and
    should have read 19h46m16.0s UT.
    Congratulations to Curtis Haase for spotting this!
    Sorry for this - there were so many star trails it was not immediately
    obvious which end was which and in my haste I made a mistake.
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