I am wondering if "Unha-3" means "3-stage Unha", not "3rd Unha". Consider a scenario in which stage 2 is injected over North Korea at 150 km with an inertial velocity of 7.0 km/s and an inertial azimuth of 178 deg (rotating frame azimuth of 181 deg as required by the NOTAMs). It then reaches a -2350 x 500 km x 88 deg orbit, with apogee over the equator at 123E Then suppose the payload and a third stage are yawed by 50 degrees and make a 1.6 km/s burn. For a third stage empty mass of 50 kg (say) and a satellite of 100 kg, and a solid motor of Isp = 250 s, this would require 150 kg of prop for a total upper composite mass of 300 kg. Is that outside the 2-stage Unha's performance? If I were NK, this is absolutely how I would attempt to launch a sun-sync satellite - it's very similar to the strategy used by some early US Delta launches. A lower stage dogleg is not required. So Ted, I think you are premature in your conclusions. I see four scenarios: 1. - Ted's scenario in which the NK are flat out lying. Certainly possible but I don't think this is the most likely explanation. 2. - My scenario in which a third stage equatorial dogleg achieves sun-sync. 3. - Translation confusion somewhere along the chain where "polar orbit" and "sun-sync" orbit have been conflated because some poor translator thought that "sun-sync" sounded more technical and impressive - the two concepts almost always go together these days since ninety-something percent of modern polar orbit satellites are sun-synch. 4. - Lying somewhere else along the chain. For example, the vice director of the Space Development Department is a non-technical party appointee who has ordered his engineers to launch a sun sync satellite, and his scared engineers are lying to him and hoping that he won't notice the difference, or will forgive them if they at least get a satellite up.... - Jonathan _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-l
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