Re: could the unid be 90070

From: Mike McCants (
Date: Fri Apr 20 2012 - 17:24:57 UTC

  • Next message: Dale Ireland: "RE: Progress M-15M Search Element Set"

    Kevin Fetter posted:
    >I was seeing what sats pass by the area and noticed that the intergrated
    >orbit for 90070 has it passing by in the right direction just over 1 hour
    >later than what I observed.
    Yes, your observation is a good match for object 90070.
    Here is a guess:
    Unknown 061125                  
    1 90070U 06829A   12110.20297090 0.00430000  00000-0  10017-2 0    06
    2 90070  27.4752 100.3798 3666699  13.6842 346.3059  8.27929915    04
    The drag is quite high and it has been about 10 weeks since it was
    last seen, so the mean motion is fairly uncertain.  After one day, the
    prediction could be off 5 or even 10 minutes.
    Mike McCants
    Seesat-l mailing list

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