re: BY C 042812

From: Ed Cannon (
Date: Sun Apr 29 2012 - 05:45:28 UTC

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    Brad wrote:
    "... 4 flashing geosats mentioned by Ed Cannon at 
    similar phase angle but no luck."
    I owe Brad and others an apology for not updating
    sooner about one of them.  But first, in general,
    neither GStar 1 (85-35A, 15677) nor GStar 4 (20946, 
    90-100B) was correct.  As I did mention, what I 
    thought was GStar 1 was actually ACTS (22796, 
    93-058B).  Then, a couple of nights later, the 
    one that I had thought was GStar 4 was determined 
    actually to be Hotbird 1 (95-16B, 23537).  So 
    anyway, to summarize, the ones that were observed 
    were the following three:
    89-41A, 20040, Superbird A, about 10.5 seconds
    93-58B, 22796, ACTS, complex, multiples of about 25.6
    95-16B, 23537, Hotbird 1, about 7.1
    Superbird A flashes very predictably about a minute
    later from one night to the next, visible for about 
    seven minutes using my 8x42 binoculars.  On 24 April 
    I first saw it at about 3:35, and it was nearly 
    exactly two minutes later two nights later.  Mike
    looks for the phase shift, which is roughly the 
    middle of when it can be observed easily, when the 
    two flashes are equally bright.
    Hotbird 1 seemed like it was several minutes later the
    second night it was observed.
    ACTS was observed after 4 hours UTC, but the first 
    night was completely by accident, beginning about 
    Footnote:  Both GStar 1 and 4 have been observed 
    flashing in the past, but only rarely.  For their 
    flash episodes to be predicted, enough observations
    have to be made to determine the orientation of the
    rotation axis -- if I understand/remember correctly.
    It's been cloudy the last three evenings, although I
    did see ISS between clouds earlier tonight.
    Ed Cannon - Austin, Texas, USA
    Seesat-l mailing list

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