With Sadness . . . Dale Ireland

From: Skywayinc@aol.com
Date: Sun Apr 29 2012 - 17:06:47 UTC

  • Next message: Alexander Repnoy: "OPS 1294 (DMSP 5D-2 F7) - observation"

    I was shocked and saddened yesterday to hear of  the untimely death of Dale 
    Ireland who periodically posted messages here on  Seesat-L.  "Dr. Dale" was 
    helpful to me on those occasions when the Shuttle  was due to cross the US 
    en route back to Florida . . . his observations of the  plasma trail that 
    the Shuttle left behind in its wake as well as the double  sonic booms that 
    could be heard even from out over the Pacific Northwest helped  me in my 
    composing my stories for SPACE.com.  He was an assiduous amateur  astronomer and 
    an active eclipse observer as well.   
    --  joe rao  
    Seesat-l mailing list

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