Re: Old Unknown Identified as a Re-entry

From: Björn Gimle (
Date: Mon Apr 30 2012 - 09:40:48 UTC

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "2 Beidou satellites launched yesterday"

    Fabulous analysis and discourse !
    I hope it is read and remembered by all who report decays.
    2012/4/30 Ted Molczan <>:
    > Jim Oberg relayed to me a query from British journalist Ian Ridpath, about a UFO sighting in Yukon, on 1996 Dec 12 UTC
    human mind races to make sense of the
    > unfamiliar, drawing on experience that may be inadequate. Depth perception can play tricks, such that something 200 km
    > away, 100 km long, and moving at 7 km/s, seems to be just 200 m away, 100 m long, and moving 7 km/h - the angular
    > velocity is roughly the same.
    > Taking these considerations into account, the eyewitnesses did a pretty good job, and need not be embarrassed for having
    > perceived more than was there.
    > Ted Molczan
    Seesat-l mailing list

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