New spacetrack site quesrtion

Date: Sat Apr 20 2013 - 20:39:27 UTC

  • Next message: alberto rango: "4542 SATOBS 19 APR 2013."

    I'm having trouble adding new objects to my "favorites".
    For example, if I try adding objectt 39130 and 39137 (the
    recently launched Russion satellite and, presumably, its
    rocket), the site tells me that there are no such object.
    Yet, I am able to individually retrieve the "last" TLE
    (with, so far, un-real names) of these objects.
    My old automatic TLE retrieval procedures still work
    but I have to maintain my "favorites" manually. 
    Am I just being impatient with Spacecom? Other than
    waiting, is there any way out of this problem?
    Ed Light
    Seesat-l mailing list

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