A possible satellite observation?

Ed Cannon (edcannonutaustin@netscape.net)
3 Aug 99 04:27:00 CDT

I stumbled across an article called "A Starlike Glow on the Gibbous Moon"
written by an amateur astronomer.  The observation was made this past at about
4:50 on 26 January UTC (11:50 p.m. on 25 January EST), and the observer says
that the light on the Moon lasted several minutes.  Here's the URL of his


His location seems to have been in or near Richmond Township, Rhode Island,
USA, which is at about 41.500N, 71.661W.  I checked on high-eccentricity
objects for that epoch, but I don't have a geosynch elset file for that date.

Ed Cannon - ecannon@mail.utexas.edu - Austin, Texas, USA

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