On Thu, 22 Jul 1999 19:59:37 +0100 Alan Pickup wrote Decay of Granat Proton rocket Alan Pickup (alan@wingar.demon.co.uk) Thu, 22 Jul 1999 19:59:37 +0100 SpaceCom has yet to acknowledge that the astronomy satellite Granat decayed from its highly eccentric orbit more than a month ago. Meantime, the Proton rocket that launched it is (probably) making its last orbit before it, too, plunges to decay on July 25. That is, unless it decayed at its perigee yesterday. Well SpaceCom has now listed as been decayed Internatnl Designator CatNo Common Name Source LaunchDate DecayDate 1989-096A 20352 GRANAT CIS 1989/12/01 1999/05/25 Other satellite's now listed as being decayed 1989-089AT 22856 COBE DEB US 1989/11/18 1996/09/05 1989-089BE 23059 COBE DEB US 1989/11/18 1997/04/14 1989-089Q 22755 COBE DEB US 1989/11/18 1997/06/19 1989-089U 22759 COBE DEB US 1989/11/18 1997/08/29 1989-089BA 23055 COBE DEB US 1989/11/18 1998/01/28 1989-089K 22750 COBE DEB US 1989/11/18 1998/02/17 1989-089N 22753 COBE DEB US 1989/11/18 1998/03/05 1989-089AU 22857 COBE DEB US 1989/11/18 1998/04/03 1989-089AE 22769 COBE DEB US 1989/11/18 1998/06/21 1989-089L 22751 COBE DEB US 1989/11/18 1998/10/06 Kevin