Re: an unusual sighting

James Husnay Sr. (
Fri, 13 Aug 1999 19:09:06 -0400 wrote:
<The unusual thing is that they were traveling in a triangular formation.>

I'll never forget my 1st NOSS 2-3 triad sighting. It was back in the summer of
and thanks to the keen eyes of a grandson. It was before we became SeeSater's. At
the time it was as always, a very unusual 1st time experience for the

Not long ago, another somewhat "in awed what in the world was that" individual
inquired on another  separate list. I decided to take time and answer, "What did
I see?".

In order to give the right info I did a search and ran across something that was
webbed by SeeSat's own Sue Worden which I thought exemplified the 1st time NOSS
2-3 excitement. Fortunately I found it also archived in the SeeSat archive's and
I hope Ms. Worden and the other SeeSater's won't mind my posting this short fun
observational report as I'm sure Ms Underhill would appreciate and appropriately
titled NOSS 2-3 Mania

NOSS 2-3 Mania

Sue J. Worden (
Wed, 1 Apr 1998 20:21:50 -0600 (CST)

Over the past five days, I've caught NOSS 2-3 (96 29D / 23862
leading object) three times now in my 10x50 binoculars.  The
first time, this past Saturday at the Central Texas Star Party
(30.32 N 98.26 W 98-03-29 02:37 UTC) was also my first time ever
to catch one of the NOSS trios in binoculars. :-)  The skies at
the star party were fairly dark, with limiting magnitude in the
neighborhood of +5.5, and culmination was 79 degrees altitude,
so the catch was not all that hard.  The second time was last
night at the monthly Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve stargazing
tour (30.30 N 97.83 W 98-04-01 02:15 UTC) on the west side of
Austin.  The skies last night, though beautifully clear, were
light polluted, with limiting magnitude in the neighborhood of
+3.5, and culmination at 73 degrees altitude.  The third time
was tonight, from my urban driveway (30.36 N 97.73 W 98-04-02
01:31 UTC).  The skies were again crystal clear (low humidity)
and culmination was 70 degrees altitude, but between twilight
and bright lights at a shopping area only one block away, the
limiting magnitude was only about ... +1!!!  Am I getting good
at this or what??? ;-)

Three for three on high-flying threes, with tomorrow morning's
near-zenith TiPS pass on my binocular target list,

--Sue Worden (

Incidently Ms. Underwood NOSS stands for - Naval Ocean Surveillance System