I returned from my solar eclipse trip today having observed (and marvelled at) the event under cloudless skies from the Black Sea coast of NE Bulgaria. It seems that my faith in the English weather was justified :( I have just posted the first update since August 6 to my Decay Watch page at http://www.wingar.demon.co.uk/satevo/dkwatch/ This has my updated prediction for the decay of #25625, the Globalstar 36 Soyuz rocket, at August 16 12:35 UTC +-10h. This now enters eclipse in the Earth's shadow while southbound near 43 deg S latitude at about 18:30 local time, with eclipse exit while northbound near 20 deg N at 05:00 local time. Alan -- Alan Pickup | COSPAR 2707: 55d53m48.7s N 3d11m51.2s W 156m asl Edinburgh | Tel: +44 (0)131 477 9144 Fax: +44 (0)870 0520750 Scotland | SatEvo page: http://www.wingar.demon.co.uk/satevo/