Report time 16:00 UTC 1999-004E (#25625) SOYUZ R/B SpacComs last update - prepared August 14, 17:06 UTC - shows a decay at August 16, 15:15 UTC +/- 01 day (50.9°S, 104.2°E) With the last ELSETs 99227.180... - 99227.548.... MPM predicts August 16, 17:01 UTC +/- 03 hours (13.8°S, 139.8°E) The solar and also the geomagnetic activity is low. We have again a slow decay. The American Seesaters on the westcoast have a possibility to watch one of the very last orbits or the final (?) orbit. Around 12:50 UTC (August 16) the RB cross the Mexican / US border on its northbound pass over California, Arizona, Colorado, Nebraska ect. Also the next pass shows a small chance - again around the westcoast: The SOYUZ RB cross the coastline at Eureka about 14:22 UTC on its northbound pass. An update will follows. Harro Berlin, Germany