Obs Aug 18 and new pics

Wed, 18 Aug 1999 07:18:21 -0500

Obs August 18, 1999   (Back from Vacation)

21147 91 017A   8935 G 19990818094915900 27 25 2109833+435678 58 S+036 10       
21147 91 017A   8935 G 19990818095002050 27 25 2228568+310515 38 S+030 10       
21147 91 017A   8935 G 19990818095055770 27 25 2341871+100315 38 S+030 10       

Intersting pic of Lacrosse 2 descending into Aurora haze (and others) by Jari at

I missed photographing the Delta/Globalstar burn :-(

Clear & Dark skies----------------------------------------------------------
            |  Jones Orchard Site--  Clear 
Jim Nix     |  North of Memphis, Tennessee  USA
            |  35.3166N 89.8860W 94m        #8935       ICQ 36907276
	    |  Sat-Tracks.com