A new Russian satellite, presumably Cosmos 2365, has been launched by a Soyuz-U rocket. This appears to be a Yantar recoverable spysat, like Cosmos 2358 (#25373). Current elsets, with size/mag data by me: Cosmos 2365 6.0 2.0 0.0 5.0 d 343 x 167 km 1 25889U 99044A 99230.80293451 -.00001816 57406-5 00000-0 0 11 2 25889 67.1382 223.0187 0132723 97.1137 264.5056 16.07197047 11 C 2365 Soyuz r 6.0 2.0 0.0 5.0 d 334 x 166 km 1 25890U 99044B 99230.86504758 .02621569 57424-5 83399-3 0 24 2 25890 67.1351 222.8645 0127021 96.5511 264.9170 16.08923368 25 C 2365 Soyuz deb 331 x 163 km 1 25891U 99044C 99230.86516732 .01374757 57750-5 39993-3 0 15 2 25891 67.0976 222.8822 0126719 103.9633 258.4102 16.09822531 20 The rocket and debris will decay quickly; expect the Cosmos to be manoeuvred. Alan -- Alan Pickup | COSPAR 2707: 55d53m48.7s N 3d11m51.2s W 156m asl Edinburgh | Tel: +44 (0)131 477 9144 Fax: +44 (0)870 0520750 Scotland | SatEvo page: http://www.wingar.demon.co.uk/satevo/