Re: Curtailment of satelem

Björn Gimle (
Fri, 20 Aug 1999 07:02:59 +0200

> > From: "Allen Thomson" <>
> > A request to people who may be using the OIG TLE request service to obtain
> > batches of current TLEs:  Please forward them to me as you can for inclusion
> > in satelem.  That will help limit the damage a bit.
> Do we need to organize another group of volunteers to regularly
> download certain elsets from OIG?
> At any rate, count me in, if you organize such a group and if my
> not-every-day downloads would be a help.
How will this affect mccants.tle and alldat.tle ?
Shouldn't all three be coordinated if there is a problem?

I can pitch in like Sue.

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