satwk34 report from OIG

Mike McCants (
Sat, 21 Aug 1999 09:17:17 -0500 (CDT)

                 Satellite Catalog Action Report

From: 1999/08/14
Through: 1999/08/21

The following objects have been reported as cataloged:

Designator   CatNo Common Name               Source LaunchDate
------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ----------
1970-034D    25882 CZ-1 DEB                  PRC    1970/04/24
1999-043A    25883 GLOBALSTAR MO24           GLOB   1999/08/17
1999-043B    25884 GLOBALSTAR MO27           GLOB   1999/08/17
1999-043C    25885 GLOBALSTAR MO53           GLOB   1999/08/17
1999-043D    25886 GLOBALSTAR MO54           GLOB   1999/08/17
1999-043E    25887 DELTA R/B (1)             US     1999/08/17
1987-068CH   25888 SL-14 DEBRIS              CIS    1987/08/18
1999-044A    25889 COSMOS 2365               CIS    1999/08/18
1999-044B    25890 SL-04 R/B                 CIS    1999/08/18
1999-044C    25891 SL-04 DEB                 CIS    1999/08/18

The following objects have been reported as decayed:

Designator   CatNo Common Name               Source LaunchDate DecayDate
------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ---------- ----------
1976-053F    08910 DELTA 1 R/B(2)            US     1976/06/10 1988/03/05
1987-068CH   25888 SL-14 DEBRIS              CIS    1987/08/18 1999/08/12
1994-029UU   24495 PEGASUS DEB               US     1994/05/19 1999/08/13
1994-029SW   24440 PEGASUS DEB               US     1994/05/19 1999/08/14
1987-068CA   25453 SL-14 DEB                 CIS    1987/08/18 1999/08/14
1999-004E    25625 SL-4 R/B(1)               CIS    1999/02/09 1999/08/16
1998-067D    25846 ISS DEBRIS                ISS    1998/11/20 1999/08/18

The following objects have been reported as modified:

     No modified cataloging activity reported.