IntlId SiteYYMMDDHHMMSSss Sss TCHHMMmm DDMMm Mm E 9607201267599081920354181 010 12035091 +70378 2 5 9607201267599081920361238 010 12045779 +67466 1 5 9607201267599081920372780 010 12061875 +58562 2 5 8406503267599081920545649 010 12182212 -01105 15 5 8406503267599081920554929 010 12175641 +18196 1 5 8406503267599081920565276 010 12163537 +52149 15 5 9503401267599081920594867 010 12165568 -02280 15 5 9503401267599081921001155 010 12165644 -01584 15 5 9208301267599081921072085 010 12162235 -08442 1 5 9208301267599081921083423 010 12155010 +02313 15 5 9208301267599081921101990 010 12144053 +22001 15 5 9208301267599081921120722 010 12125602 +38179 1 5 9208301267599081921132828 010 12113050 +43250 2 5 9402601267599081922345781 010 12200685 -01422 15 5 9402601267599081922394327 010 12201543 -07476 08 5 9202301267599081922552735 010 12010410 +29522 2 5 9302601267599081923015693 010 12001667 +23173 2 5 9302601267599081923022613 010 12005383 +28356 1 5 9101701267599081923110253 010 12094238 +48482 15 5 9101701267599081923124650 010 12072672 +49117 1 5 8300806267599081923211570 010 12213060 +68176 1 5 8300808267599081923221282 010 12214530 +66300 1 5 8300805267599081923234404 010 12214300 +64135 1 5 8300801267599081923244717 010 12182598 +65310 15 5 8300806267599081923254955 010 12001498 +08492 1 5 8300808267599081923263931 010 12001498 +08492 1 5 8300805267599081923272733 010 12000173 +14385 1 5 8300801267599081923285552 010 12231750 +16410 1 5 8204103267599081923341854 010 12145991 +39180 1 5 8204103267599081923350804 010 12155759 +26527 1 5 8001901267599081923475851 010 12010998 +15458 15 5 8001901267599081923481755 010 12012650 +18120 1 5 9302602267599081923490535 010 12015595 +30382 2 5 9302602267599081923494782 010 12025069 +35176 2 5 7609101267599082000101196 010 12030922 +12472 2 5 7609101267599082000111555 010 12034521 +24280 1 5 7609101267599082000120786 010 12042449 +34078 1 5 9005003267599082000165800 010 12022923 +09404 3 5 9005004267599082000170718 010 12022913 +09423 3 5 9005005267599082000182650 010 12032750 +18349 2 5 9506601267599082000314182 010 12115592 +58303 15 5 9506601267599082000321234 010 12114440 +51576 15 5 8704308267599082000445367 010 12021904 +21533 1 5 8704305267599082000453782 010 12023459 +23006 15 5 8704306267599082000463222 010 12024441 +24213 3 5 8001903267599082000472447 010 12025740 +55425 1 5 8001903267599082000480725 010 12040532 +53290 2 5 8001907267599082000560343 010 12230682 +19486 2 5 8001907267599082000563894 010 12234580 +28100 1 5 8704301267599082000574560 010 12230308 +20551 1 5 8704301267599082000582002 010 12234495 +29370 15 5 8001904267599082001000771 010 12235780 +59415 1 5 8001904267599082001004663 010 12014775 +63512 1 5 9208301267599082120530025 010 1216566 -1105 4 5 9208301267599082120545333 010 12160512 +08011 3 5 9208301267599082120561040 010 12150704 +24493 2 5 9208301267599082120581547 010 12123861 +45217 2 5 9607201267599082122440732 010 12154788 +13439 2 5 9607201267599082122454139 010 12144336 +26304 1 5 9607201267599082122473341 010 12131620 +35530 1 5 9607201267599082122484969 010 12122064 +38084 2 5 9506601267599082123294453 010 12064620 +42200 2 5 Some observations of August 21 are not yet reduced. David M Brierley Malvern, Worcestershire, UK Station 2675, 52.1358N 2.3264W 70m -- The Information contained in this E-Mail and any subsequent correspondence is private and is intended solely for the intended recipient(s). For those other than the recipient any disclosure, copying, distribution, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on such information is prohibited and may be unlawful.