--part1_6f58739f.24f33fc7_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --part1_6f58739f.24f33fc7_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; name="OBS.TXT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline; filename="OBS.TXT" 99-039 B 1999-08-23 00:55:00 JTW 29.93 1 48 0.624 used 7x35's 99-039 B 1999-08-23 00:56:00 JTW 72.36 1 120 0.603 used 7x35's I had to cut my observation in two because of a tree in the way. If one giv= es each timing a weight based on the number of flashes observed, then one ar= rives at an average flash rate of 1 per 0.609 seconds, which is in accordanc= e with recent observations. Jonathan lwojack@aol.com <IGNORE> ID=09DATE&TIME=09OBSERVER=09TOTAL RECORDING TIME =09ACCURACY=09FLASHES=09=09= FLASH PERIOD=09NOTES --part1_6f58739f.24f33fc7_boundary--