Re: Master Satellite File 'CleanUp' - TleSort available

Raoul Behrend (
Wed, 25 Aug 1999 10:05:23 +0200 (MET DST)


I can't answer to everyone who asked for a copy of tlesort. So I made it
available at our ftp site.

Go to
Read at the bottom of the page a short description of tlesort, go to the ftp
zone and get name.sat tlesort.all oldies.sat
Unzip, make a full backup of all your tle files in the current
directory. And then execute tlesort.exe. If you enjoy this program, register by
sending a nice postcard with a wonderful stamp at the adress on the screen.

Best regards, Raoul


Observatoire de Genève
Raoul Behrend
CH-1290 Sauverny / Suisse


"Herbe à Nicot? Herbe à nigaud!"