Obs Aug 29

Sun, 29 Aug 1999 17:50:41 -0500

Obs Aug 29

22251 92 083A   8935 G 19990829014802620 27 25 2052323+325456 48 S+050 10       
23233 94 057A   8935 F 19990829025935190 27 25 1707791-173963 28 S+070 10       

The soon to decay SoyuzRB, 25653, observed running 2 sec late on IOG's latest.

Abrixas observed for 55 secs as it rose in the south and entered shadow,
steady through-out obs, one flash 4 secs after entering skymap predicted
shadow at 02:33:57.

  Time         Note       Elev.       Range     % Illum.    Mag.   Sun angle
02:33:06    acquired      32.8       1006.6       53.26    7.0      -23.6
02:33:57.71 shadow entry  50.25       752.0     62.78-(0)  6.0-(0)  -23.8
02:34:01.71  Flash        52.5        740.1        0       6.0      -23.8

Clear & Dark skies----------------------------------------------------------
            |  Jones Orchard Site--  Clear, H 51%  V 11 mi.  Moonrise 02:00
Jim Nix     |  North of Memphis, Tennessee  USA
            |  35.3166N 89.8860W 94m        #8935       ICQ 36907276
	    |  Sat-Tracks.com                           nixj@bellsouth.net	