Obs July 29 till August 28

Barhorst L.J.C. (L.J.C.Barhorst@arcadis.nl)
Mon, 30 Aug 1999 08:38:44 +0200

During my holiday the weather was fine for sat observing in the first week. 
Later more clouds and some rain.
With my boat (that also is my house) we sailed up the river Maas all the way
till Anseremme, a little town just south of Dinant, Belgium.
On August 11th I went by bus and train to Charleville in France, inside the 
totality zone of the solar eclips. I was fortunataly at the right spot.
As I arrived in Charleville there was some rain, but at 10 o'clock the
got thinner. From 11:07 (local time) the moon moved in front of the sun. Now
and then the clouds got thicker, but around totality they were thin, with
occasional cloudless spots. I used my videocamera with a solar screen in
to tape the event. The corona was good visible, with some orange glow due to

thin clouds. Also the diamondring was spectacular as the sun re-appeared.
It was my first solar eclips, an event not to forget.

As we sailed the rivers I made obs from different places.
Date     Coordinates      Place
99-07-28 52.67 N 4.39 E   Alkmaar
99-07-29 52.40 N 5.00 E   Weesp
99-07-30 51.85 N 5.16 E   Woudrichem
99-08-02 51.25 N 6.00 E   Neer
99-08-07 50.50 N 5.25 E   Huy Belgium
99-08-28 52.77 N 5.09 E   Medemblik (home)

78- 18 B 99-07-28 21:11:14   LB  105.5 0.2  32  3.30  FF, mag 7->inv
78- 18 B 99-08-28 22:12:20   LB   35.1 0.2  20  1.75  FF, mag 4->inv
Half period, train of rapid flashes
78- 42 A 99-08-28 20:14:51   LB  119.6 0.2   4 29.9   FF, 5->inv, 1 fl mag 2
Up a little since february
79- 12 A 99-08-02 21:10      LB                       slowly var 5->6
81- 59 A 99-07-30 21:30:20   LB   52.5 0.2  10  5.25  FF, mag 6->inv
81- 59 A 99-08-07 21:08:46   LB   79.2 0.2  60  1.319 FF, mag 4->inv
81- 59 A 99-08-28 20:49      LB   80.8 0.2  60  1.347 Ff, mag 3(4)->7
rapid flashes in the west, 1/4 period??
82- 55 B 99-08-28 20:05      LB                       almost S, mag 7
83-  1 B 99-08-28 21:40      LB                       var, mag 6->inv
84-123 A 99-08-02 21:05:30   LB  109.4 0.5   4 27.4   Aa, mag 3(5)->inv
84-123 A 99-08-07 21:40:27   LB  232.2 0.5  10 23.22  AA, mag 2->-inv
Seems to accelerate
85- 79 B 99-08-28 22:03:33   LB   86.1 0.5   6 14.4   AA, mag 4->inv
Still going up
86- 37 B 99-08-07 22:48:50   LB   55.9 0.5   1 55.9   AA, mag 4->inv
Going up slowly, some times sm hard to see
87- 49 B 99-08-07 23:37:18   LB  102.1 0.5   4 25.5   AA, mag 5->inv
Going up slowly
88- 50 A 99-08-28 21:58:52   LB   74.1 0.2   3 24.7   'FA'F, mag 4->inv, sm,
Going up slowly
89- 17 B 99-08-28 20:02      LB                       almost S, mag 6
90-  4 B 99-08-28 19:53:06   LB   99.2 0.5  10  9.92  AA, mag 4->inv
To be checked, was S in Jan.
90- 17 B 99-08-07 22:24:28   LB   75.0 0.5   2 37.5   AA, mag 5->inv
90- 17 B 99-08-28 19:43:22   LB   69.4 0.5   2 34.7   AA, mag 5->7
Slowly accelerating
90- 78 A 99-08-02 22:45      LB                       var, flash to mag 1
90-111 B 99-08-28 22:09:16   LB  151.3 0.5   4 37.8   AA, mag 4->inv
Normal behavior
92-  8 B 99-08-02 23:00      LB                       S, mag 5
92-  8 B 99-08-07 21:50:03   LB  172.6 0.5   8 21.6   AA, mag 4->inv
92-  8 B 99-08-28 20:55:48   LB  193.9 0.5   4 48.5   AA, mag 5->inv
Second obs is hp, going up slowly
92- 20 B 99-08-28 21:30      LB                       S, mag 5
92- 36 B 99-08-07 23:02      LB                       S, mag 5
92- 76 B 99-07-28 21:04:53   LB  124.1 1.0   2 62.0   MM, mag 3->inv
93- 55 C 99-08-07 23:32      LB                       S, mag 6
93- 59 B 99-08-07 23:29      LB                       S, mag 5
93- 59 B 99-08-28 19:39      LB                       S, mag 3
93- 61 A 99-07-28 21:16:29   LB   97.3 0.5   6 16.2   AA, mag 3->inv
93- 61 A 99-07-30 20:39:41   LB   33.3 0.2   2 16.6   FF, mag 2->inv
93- 61 A 99-08-02 21:32:45   LB   84.8 0.2   5 16.96  FF, mag 4->inv
Going up slowly
94- 23 B 99-08-07 22:07      LB                       almost S, mag 5
94- 24 B 99-08-07 21:13:37   LB   91.2 0.2  20  4.56  AA, mag 5->inv
94- 24 B 99-08-07 22:58:42   LB   93.2 0.2  20  4.66  AA, mag 5->inv
Going up slowly
94- 41 B 99-08-02 21:56      LB                       S, mag 7
94- 61 B 99-08-07 20:38:00   LB                       slowly var, mag 3->5
94- 77 B 99-08-02 22:32      LB                       almost S, mag 5
94- 85 B 99-08-28 22:37:20   LB  119.3 0.5   4 29.8   AA, mag 6->inv
Going up, difficult to spot, then easy to follow
95- 12 B 99-08-28 21:19:49   LB   89.2 0.5   2 44.6   AA, mag 6->inv
Normal behavior
95- 32 B 99-08-28 22:26:25   LB   76.6 0.5   2 38.3   AA, mag 5->inv
95- 72 B 99-08-28 20:26      LB                       S, mag 4
96- 17 B 99-08-07 20:48      LB                       var, mag 7->inv
96- 51 B 99-08-02 21:18      LB                       var, mag 5->inv
96- 52 C 99-08-02 22:28:02   LB  115.4 0.5   4 28.9   AA, mag 4->7
96- 52 C 99-08-28 20:33:47   LB  113.1 0.5   4 28.3   AA, mag 3->7
Seems to accelerate slightly
98- 43 G 99-08-07 21:16:55   LB   53.5 1.0   1 54     MM, mag 3->inv
98- 43 G 99-08-28 21:25:05   LB  144.5 2.0   2 72     MM, mag 3->inv
Is slowing down, easy to follow at one power
98- 72 C 99-07-30 21:36:25   LB   46.4 0.5  10  4.64  AA, mag 4->inv
98- 72 C 99-08-28 19:58:06   LB   55.5 0.2  10  5.55  FF, mag 4->inv
Still going up
98- 76 B 99-07-30 21:20:35   LB   73.1 0.5  10  7.31  AA, mag 4->inv
98- 76 B 99-08-02 21:00:39   LB  148.8 0.2  20  7.44  AA, mag 4->6
98- 76 B 99-08-07 21:43:41   LB   75.3 0.2  10  7.53  FF, mag 4->inv
Going up
99- 31 C 99-08-07 22:39      LB                       S, mag 6
99- 31 E 99-07-28 20:44      LB                       slowly var, mag 5->6
99- 31 E 99-08-02 22:04      LB                       S, mag 6
99- 31 E 99-08-07 21:33      LB                       S, mag 5
99- 37 E 99-07-30 20:57      LB                       S, mag 5
99- 37 E 99-08-02 22:01      LB                       S, mag 5
99- 39 A 99-08-07 21:00      LB                       S, mag 4
99- 39 B 99-07-29 22:36:54   LB   89.6 0.2 150  0.597 FF, mag 3->inv
99- 39 B 99-07-30 21:03:42   LB  194.0 0.2 270  0.719 FF, mag 3->inv
99- 39 B 99-08-02 20:47:36   LB  124.0 0.2 190  0.653 FF, mag 3->inv
99- 39 B 99-08-07 21:27:22   LB  221.4 0.2 360  0.615 FF, mag 4->inv
The number of flashes Jul 30 may be affected by occultations by flags.
99- 41 E 99-08-07 22:20      LB                       S, mag 5
99- 41 E 99-08-28 22:54      LB                       S, mag 5

On Aug 28th 98- 67 A (ISS) was observed S, mag 0.
Moonlight made obs difficult towards 23:00 UT Aug 28.

Greetings and claer, dark skies
Leo Barhorst  Medemblik              632 obs in 1999
52.767 N 5.09 E 2 m ASL