I have posted today's second update of my Decay Watch page at http://www.wingar.demon.co.uk/satevo/dkwatch/ with a further prediction for #25761, the Raduga 104 aux motor, plus the first decay prediction for another eccentric object, the Afristar Mini Spelda which is in a low inclination orbit. My current predictions are for these to decay at September 2 05:51 UTC +-10h and September 4 16:59 UTC +-1d. Alan -- Alan Pickup | COSPAR 2707: 55d53m48.7s N 3d11m51.2s W 156m asl Edinburgh | Tel: +44 (0)131 477 9144 Fax: +44 (0)870 0520750 Scotland | SatEvo page: http://www.wingar.demon.co.uk/satevo/