Obs Aug 02

From: Björn Gimle (b_gimle@algonet.se)
Date: Fri Aug 02 2002 - 19:23:49 EDT

  • Next message: Ted Molczan: "Obs of 2002 Aug 03 UTC"

    26934 01 044A   5919 G 20020802213542820 17 25 0318920+501000 18 I
    26934 01 044A   5919 G 20020802213607000 18 25 0404000+523300 69 M-010 10
    26934 01 044A   5919 G 20020802213650500 17 25 0456520+531110 58 I
    08836 76 038D   5919 G 20020802221311080 17 25 1839160+303620 28 S
    23728 95 066A   5919 G 20020802221757070 17 25 0018000+123300 38 S
    Four more points on USA 116, and 6-8 as yet UNID satellites (in ten minutes)
    remain to be reduced.
    Also spotted one Perseid.
    -- bjorn.gimle@tietotech.se (office)                         --
    -- b_gimle@algonet.se (home)  http://www.algonet.se/~b_gimle --
    -- COSPAR 5919, MALMA,    59.2576 N, 18.6172 E, 23 m         --
    -- COSPAR 5918, HAMMARBY, 59.2985 N, 18.1045 E, 44 m         --
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