Re: USA 144: The Mystery Deepens - Flash Timings Needed

From: Tony Planinac (
Date: Mon Aug 05 2002 - 11:47:38 EDT

  • Next message: EXSGT: "all-sky, all-night fireball monitoring device"

    maybe using low weight high strength special coat composite for antenna
    structure...less weight means less fuel =longer duration on orbit=less
    stationkeeping...tony planinac
    "Björn Gimle" wrote:
    > If it is operational, and does have very large solar panels, they would not
    > contribute much to the visual brightness we see (only in the direction of the
    > Sun), but it could be larger AND heavier to give the right SRP effect.
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > > The satellite could be a high bandwidth communication satellite (bigger
    > > SDS?).
    > > The area for the up/downlink dish could suggest a bandwidth of around
    > > 1Gbit/sec, with solar panels giving enough power for this sort of load.
    > >
    > > There are a lot of uses for this sort of satellite, but it still won't
    > > explain the low weight question.
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