RE: The ISS had company

From: Ted Molczan (
Date: Wed Aug 07 2002 - 00:02:06 EDT

  • Next message: Daniel Deak: "Re: The ISS had company"

    Patrice Gambaro asked about the identity of the bright satellite he
    observed to pass near the track of ISS.
    I happened to see the same event. While waiting to observe USA 129 I
    spotted a bright satellite that I instantly knew had to be ISS. Shortly
    before it entered eclipse in the NNE, another southbound object, at a
    somewhat greater inclination passed within a few degrees of it. The
    second object entered eclipse perhaps 30 s later than ISS.
    It turns out that we both saw a Russian EORSAT (Electronic Ocean
    Reconnaissance Sat):
    Cosmos 2383
    1 27053U 01057A   02216.51663194  .00004889  00000-0  84923-4 0  8534
    2 27053  64.9973 138.8942 0009614 279.9028  61.4125 15.52116903 35111
    EORSATs are the Russian counterpart to the U.S.A.'s NOSS satellites -
    they detect and determine the co-ordinates of ships at sea.
    Ted Molczan
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