Recently joined the list.

From: Larry Brash (
Date: Wed Aug 07 2002 - 08:41:37 EDT

  • Next message: Ted Molczan: "Obs of 2002 Aug 07 UTC"

    I joined the SeeSat list a week or so ago and have been meaning to get
    around to introducing myself.
    I live in Newcastle, Australia, 32.972° S, 151.634° E, UTC +9.
    I have always had some interest in astronomy, but it was not until last
    year, when a friend put me on to Heavens Above, that I really got into it.
    I have improved my satellite spotting skills from picking 2-3 sats per
    night initially, to regularly 10-15 per night. The recent drought (and
    clear skies) here in Australia has helped. I have logged over 600
    sightings at Heavens Above. I have taken a few photos of my sightings. I
    have also subscribed to sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe.
    I have not (yet) got into recording exact positions or times, just "near
    such and such a star" and the time to the nearest 5 seconds.
    I have started a website with my sightings, photos, beginners' advice, etc.
    Larry Brash
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