Re: USA 144: The Mystery Deepens - Flash Timings Needed

From: Tony Planinac (
Date: Wed Aug 07 2002 - 15:42:00 EDT

  • Next message: Alan Pickup: "Decay watch: 2002 August 7"

    maybe its some kind of  "repeater antenna" for mil-LEO crosslinks.......
    Sasha Levin wrote:
    > Here are some ideas:
    > 1. Payload got into the parking orbit, shed some debris trying to
    > confuse the observers and sent a big decoy into a higher orbit while the
    > satellite itself stayed in the parking orbit
    > 2. A problem during the transfer from the initial orbit to the higher
    > orbit made it reach only the parking orbit, the problem was thought to
    > be solved in 1.6 days, but during the transfer to the higher orbit an
    > explosion occurred (or something like it...).
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