two-eyed viewing

From: Tom Wagner (
Date: Thu Aug 08 2002 - 00:43:11 EDT

  • Next message: paul: "28A"

    Tonight I tried something new (to me anyway). I wanted to see the infrequent
    naked eye visible flashes of the tumbling Iridium 911 satellite viewing them
    at 1X but I also wanted to watch the details of its undulating light as
    well. So, with my glasses on, I looked through my 3X night scope monocular
    with my left eye and kept my right eye open at the same time. I focused the
    scope to match my unaided eye. I found that I could study the faint
    irregular pattern as well as get an idea about which flashes were bright
    enough to see unaided in my light polluted skies.  Because the two images
    were not perfectly lined up I could obviously tell that the bright flashes
    were present in both eyes.
    Later I tried watching the tumbling rocket body SL-16 R-B with one eye
    looking right at it and the other eye looking through 7X binoculars. That
    method was not a winner because I found it very difficult to locate it in
    the binocs.
    Clear skies!
    P.S. Venus is plainly visible in the daytime right now.
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