Report time 19:40 UTC 1962-002D (#00229) Delta 1 RB SPACECOM'S 12 HOURS BEFORE DECAY message - prepare August 09, 16:14 UTC - predicts: 10 August, 03:23 UTC +/- 07 hours (31.9°S, 39.2°E) descending after crossing South Africa over Indian Ocean. MPM+REENTRY delivers with the ELSET 0221.549.... (SFX 135, ap 009) the decay on: 10 August, 03:28 UTC +/- 36 minutes (42.84°S, 59.59°E) also southbound over the Indian Ocean. Between 02:40 - 02:50 UTC this orbit will cross with its northern apex the USA and Canada. Harro Berlin, Germany ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to
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