Re: Meteor 3M rk variable flash period

From: Björn Gimle (
Date: Fri Aug 09 2002 - 16:55:24 EDT

  • Next message: Edward Ehrlich: "RE: ISS 5 consecutive passes"

    Aug.9 I again observed a pass in the E, but because of our still bright sky I
    managed to miss it at my prepared spots, and found it much later, and soon lost
    it again. I timed the deepest minima, as I did on the 6th.
    01-056 F 02-08-09 20:26:17.8 BPG  46.8 0.1  16  2.953 Aa,AaAa,
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 5:46 PM
    > 01-056 F 02-08-04 21:16:25.0 BPG  40.3 0.3  14  2.994 A'aA'
    > 01-056 F 02-08-04 21:20:01.4 BPG 144.5 0.3  50  2.865 A'aAaaA'
    > 01-056 F 02-08-06 20:38:40.5 BPG 208.1 0.3  72  2.896 Aa,AaAa,
    -- (office)                         --
    -- (home) --
    -- COSPAR 5919, MALMA,    59.2576 N, 18.6172 E, 23 m         --
    -- COSPAR 5918, HAMMARBY, 59.2985 N, 18.1045 E, 44 m         --
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