CONTOUR - corrected!

Date: Sat Aug 10 2002 - 23:12:01 EDT

  • Next message: "CONTOUR"

     Hi all -
     I observed the pass of the soon-to-leave-earth-orbit CONTOUR spacecraft last
    night, using a hand-drive equatorially mounted 12.5-inch reflector.  For one
    hour, 04:46 to 05:46 UT August 10, I watched CONTOUR slide gracefully among the
    stars, and occasionally I took a magnitude estimate.  My observations are
    listed below on the Highfly output for the pass (using a Quicksat standard
    magnitude of 4.0).  It appears that CONTOUR faded more rapidly than predicted
    by Highfly, meaning there was less of a phase angle effect to counter the
    distance effect.  I probably could have tracked it for another hour, but my
    neck was getting sore.  Perhaps these observations will help predictions of
    future Earth flybys of CONTOUR.
     39.877 105.391 8950.   Coal Creek Canyon        2000 17.0 20
     2002 Aug 10 UT - al times UT
     27457 CONTOUR        02 34A       M 4.0 ELDY  0 M2    0
     Hrs Min Alt Azi  Mag    R  A    Dec  Range Obs Mag
      4  45   38 254  9.0  15 33.0  12.9   4053   9.2
      4  50   53 247  9.0  16 37.3  19.3   4638
      4  55   63 239  9.1  17 27.0  22.9   5392
      5   0   69 229  9.4  18  4.8  24.8   6221
      5   5   73 216  9.6  18 34.0  25.8   7079
      5  10   76 203  9.8  18 57.0  26.2   7941
      5  15   76 191 10.0  19 15.5  26.4   8794  10.5
      5  25   77 174 10.3  19 43.7  26.3  10456
      5  35   76 165 10.6  20  4.1  25.9  12047  12.0
      5  46                                      12.5
      5  55   74 159 11.1  20 32.3  25.0  15020
     Cheers, Rich Keen, Coal Creek Canyon, Colorado, USA (39.877N, 105.391W, elevation 2728m)
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