Obs 20020811 and Zenith-2 encounters

From: Björn Gimle (b_gimle@algonet.se)
Date: Mon Aug 12 2002 - 07:43:47 EDT

  • Next message: Björn Gimle: "Re: Meteor 3M rk variable flash period"

    USA 160 moving into low SW for me:
    26907 01 040C   5919 F 20020811205236700 17 25 1748920+253900 18 S
    26907 01 040C   5919 F 20020811205306800 17 25 1823650+214900 28 S
    26907 01 040C   5919 F 20020811205328260 17 25 1846570+185100 28 S
    26905 01 040A   5919 F 20020811205242700 17 25 1749180+255600 88 S
    26905 01 040A   5919 F 20020811205312700 17 25 1824200+221000 88 S
    26905 01 040A   5919 F 20020811205334400 17 25 1845920+193200 58 S
    While preparing for later Perseid + satellite observations, clouds rolled in.
    Moist air today, and forecasts bad for Mon-Tue and Fri.
    I forgot to mention that of my 8 chance observations on Aug 02, three where
    Zenith-2 rockets, and they where all observed 22:26 - 22:33 between Cassiopeia
    and Lyra !
    Below is the list of all Zenith-2s I know. If you save them to a file with one
    USSPACECOM #/line, e.g. Z.SEL, you can extract elsets for those from a larger
    X.TLE file with the program APPLYSEL x.tle z.sel z.tle (needs BRUN40.EXE, both
    in /programs/ibmpc below my homepage)
    (Tonight, I have passes by 15 of them, higher than 45 degrees, between 21:21 and
    02:22 local time)
    Note:  8/13/2002  7:55:34.69 19650 Cosmos 1980 r will be overtaken by #16182
    Cosmos 1697 r , computed with AllCola.
    Tonight they will be just seconds apart !
    24298 Cosmos 2333 r will be two minutes before  22220 Cosmos 2219 r, overtaken
    at 11:22 tomorrow (mean motions differ by >0.03, or about 4 min/day)
    16182 17590 17974 19120 19650 20625 22220 22285 22566 22803 23088 23343 23405
    23705 24298 25400 25407 25861 26070 27006
    (and their satellites:)
    16181 17589 17973 19119 19649 20624 22219 22284 22565 22802 23087 23342 23404
    23704 24297 25394 25406 25860 26069 27001
    -- bjorn.gimle@tietotech.se (office)                         --
    -- b_gimle@algonet.se (home)  http://www.algonet.se/~b_gimle --
    -- COSPAR 5919, MALMA,    59.2576 N, 18.6172 E, 23 m         --
    -- COSPAR 5918, HAMMARBY, 59.2985 N, 18.1045 E, 44 m         --
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