Fw: Meteor 3M rk 2002-08-13 22:28 in the W

From: Björn Gimle (b_gimle@algonet.se)
Date: Wed Aug 14 2002 - 04:07:23 EDT

  • Next message: Thierry Marais: "OBS 96072A"

    Timings and SYNODIC graphs sent on request.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Björn Gimle" <b_gimle@algonet.se>
    To: "PPAS" <ppas@satobs.org>
    Cc: <DSat@smartgroups.com>
    Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 10:02 AM
    Subject: Meteor 3M rk 2002-08-13 22:28 in the W
    > On Aug 13 I timed 52 flashes during 112 periods of 3.006 seconds, on average.
    > The synodic effect was smaller than on my previous observations (because it
    > a low pass) and opposite in sign (because it was in the W). Around culmination
    > (38 deg WNW, in or near cycle #20) the period was about 3.006; after about
    > #60 3.014 s.
    > It was difficult after culmination, because there appeared to be multiple
    > maxima, at least once per period.
    > The final 10 flashes (cycle 95-114) are definitely from a different surface
    > the previous primary and secondary flashes. They are very close to
    > but around 0.4 s earlier than the previous ones, which show about 0.1 s
    > asymmetry, and again close to 3.006 s period !
    > 01-056 F 02-08-13 22:32:36.4 BPG 342.7 0.2 114  3.006 A'AaA'Aa
    > -- bjorn.gimle@tietotech.se (office)                         --
    > -- b_gimle@algonet.se (home)  http://www.algonet.se/~b_gimle --
    > -- COSPAR 5919, MALMA,    59.2576 N, 18.6172 E, 23 m         --
    > -- COSPAR 5918, HAMMARBY, 59.2985 N, 18.1045 E, 44 m         --
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