Re: Contact Lost With Contour

From: Allen Thomson (
Date: Thu Aug 15 2002 - 13:39:07 EDT

  • Next message: McConahy, Ralph: "RE: Contact Lost With Contour"

    The newspaper story doesn't totally square with what my
    somewhat hurried simulation shows.  I.e., perigee seems to 
    have occured between 0829 and 0830 UTC, not 0849.
    Also, though not inconsistently,  the spacecraft was in line of sight of
    the tracking and command station of  Diego Garcia right up to the
    time of burn, though at very low elevation angles.
    I'd appreciate it if someone were to check this.
    (The Y at the end of the lines indicates line-of-sight visibility from
          Tracking Station:  DIEGO GARCIA ISLAND,     Satellite:  Contour
        Date      Time (UTC)   Azim     Elev     Range    Lat    Long      Alt  V
                  HR:MN:Sec    Deg      Deg      Km       Deg    Deg       Km
                                   -- Rev #     5 --
     Fri 15Aug02  08:26:00.0   193.53   11.75   1157.47 -16.8218   70.0199   332 Y
     Fri 15Aug02  08:27:00.0   161.61   13.70    878.34 -14.3589   74.8128   263 Y
     Fri 15Aug02  08:28:00.0   122.59    9.07    968.47 -11.7476   79.5762   222 Y
     Fri 15Aug02  08:29:00.0    99.08    2.94   1358.70  -9.0284   84.2834   210 Y
     Fri 15Aug02  08:30:00.0    87.26   -1.25   1869.24  -6.2462   88.9114   228
     Fri 15Aug02  08:31:00.0    80.64   -4.22   2423.05  -3.4472   93.4406   276
     Fri 15Aug02  08:32:00.0    76.48   -6.55   2993.07   -.6759   97.8553   351
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