Updated 82041C elements

From: Ted Molczan (molczan@rogers.com)
Date: Fri Aug 16 2002 - 09:30:06 EDT

  • Next message: McConahy, Ralph: "RE: Contour - OT or not?"

    Paul Gabriel observed the object on 2002 Aug 16 UTC, running about 28 s
    late relative the preliminary orbit:
    Using Paul's second point, and Ralph McConahy's point of 2002 Aug 14, I
    have updated the elements:
    KH 9-17 ELINT    0.3  0.9  0.0  6.5 v
    1 13172U 82041C   02228.38386574  .00002000  00000-0  27447-3 0    09
    2 13172  95.9590 203.1950 0003000 155.5519 204.6011 14.78489986    05
    WRMS error = 0.01 deg
    I adjusted only RAAN, mean anomaly and mean motion. Rate of decay is a
    Predictions over the next few days should be accurate to within a few
    seconds of time, and close to the track.
    Ted Molczan
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