CONTOUR possibly destroyed -- NASA

From: Ed Cannon (
Date: Fri Aug 16 2002 - 18:30:47 EDT

  • Next message: Jim Scotti: "Re: CONTOUR possibly destroyed -- NASA"

    "CONTOUR Spacecraft Possibly Destroyed, NASA Says"
    "... [CONTOUR Mission Director Robert] Farquhar said late Friday that 
    images from a ground-based telescope of two unknown objects about 250 
    kilometers apart appeared to be pieces of the comet-chasing craft. He 
    said more investigation was needed to confirm the suspicion and that a 
    concerted search effort would continue at least through Monday in the 
    meantime.  ...
    "In a teleconference with reporters Friday evening, Farquhar said the 
    craft's engines had almost certainly fired and that it was no longer 
    in Earth orbit."
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