Aug 17, 2002 8x42 binoculars 03:37:45 U.T. 14h 57m 54s +73* 48m 56" 03:38:31 U.T. 16h 21m 26.0s +60* 43m 49" 03:39:46 U.T. 17h 05m 55.7s +35* 17' 15" 03:40:18 U.T. 17h 13m 54.3s +24* 37' 34" The flashes were approx. 1.5s apart, at first in a bright, invisible, bright, slight dim pattern while it was low in the N then higher up it seemed to shift to a bright bright dim pattern but still that 1.5s period between the brightest flashes. Janet 43.796 N 79.322 W 100m Janet Tubb ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to
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