OIG Catalog Action Report for the week ending August 17

From: Michael McCants (mmccants@jump.net)
Date: Sat Aug 17 2002 - 09:40:23 EDT

  • Next message: Björn Gimle: "Re: 3 flares,a pair and another close encounter"

                     Satellite Catalog Action Report
    From: 2002/08/10
    Through: 2002/08/17
    The following objects have been reported as cataloged:
    Designator   CatNo Common Name               Source LaunchDate
    ------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ----------
    2002-037H    27494 COSMOS 2392 DEBRIS        CIS    2002/07/25
    1983-044FS   27495 COSMOS DEB                CIS    1983/05/07
    The following objects have been reported as decayed:
    Designator   CatNo Common Name               Source LaunchDate DecayDate
    ------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ---------- ----------
    1999-057BR   26179 CZ-4 DEB                  PRC    1999/10/14 2002/08/04
    1999-057BS   26180 CZ-4 DEB                  PRC    1999/10/14 2002/08/04
    2001-049EM   27193 PSLV DEB                  IND    2001/10/22 2002/08/07
    2001-049JK   27287 PSLV DEB                  IND    2001/10/22 2002/08/09
    1962-002D    00229 DELTA 1 R/B               US     1962/02/08 2002/08/10
    1965-020ER   03708 SL-8 DEB                  CIS    1965/03/15 2002/08/10
    2001-042B    26928 ARIANE 44P R/B            ESA    2001/09/25 2002/08/11
    2001-049MB   27354 PSLV DEB                  IND    2001/10/22 2002/08/13
    2001-049FE   27210 PSLV DEB                  IND    2001/10/22 2002/08/14
    2001-049GT   27247 PSLV DEB                  IND    2001/10/22 2002/08/14
    The following objects have been reported as modified:
         No modified cataloging activity reported.
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Sat Aug 17 2002 - 09:47:47 EDT