TJM obs of 2002 Aug 17 UTC plus elements

From: Ted Molczan (
Date: Sat Aug 17 2002 - 11:07:20 EDT

  • Next message: Daniel Deak: "Disco balls and fast flashers TLE, Aug. 17"

    25744 99 028A   2701 P 20020817025844760 17 25 1717009+264251 57 R
    25744 99 028A   2701 P 20020817025930910 17 25 1731071+230605 97 R
    25744 99 028A   2701 P 20020817030442840 17 25 1843526-013510 47 R
    25744 99 028A   2701 P 20020817030543600 17 25 1854891-055363 18 R
    25744 99 028A   2701 P 20020817030616160 17 25 1900435-080683 18 R
    The object was more than 4 s late relative the elements for the epoch
    just prior to the start of the present period of net energy gain due to
    SRP (solar radiation pressure):
    1 25744U 99028A   02198.14957755  .00000003  00000-0  46387-3 0    00
    2 25744  63.4458 158.8203 0239416 292.5953  64.9590  9.69787407    01
    Also, I have received Pierre Neirinck's recent obs of the same object;
    here they are in IOD format:
    25744 99 028A   2563 G 20020810222838870 17 24 1745860+190000 38 R
    25744 99 028A   2563 G 20020810223413460 17 24 1900260-034680 87 R
    Pierre also reported the photometric period: p = 119 +- 6; and mag was
    +6 +7.5; 2nd pt was near minimum.
    Updated elements for the energy-gaining arc to-date, 2002 Jul 19 - 2002
    Aug 17 UTC:
    USA 144          0.0  0.0  0.0  3.6 v
    1 25744U 99028A   02229.08427662 -.00000054  00000-0 -83730-2 0    07
    2 25744  63.4422 121.8134 0237763 292.9736  64.6236  9.69784182    02
    WRMS error = 0.01 deg
    The negative rate of decay and decrease in mean motion relative to the
    earlier elements is consistent with the object's past SRP behaviour.
    In order to detect and measure any variability of the magnitude of the
    SRP perturbation, I hope to produce additional elements, covering the
    shortest arcs that produce reliable results.
    Ted Molczan
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